
When dealing with errors in Flask API you should typically raise one of the built-in exceptions, or a subclass of the base APIException. Exceptions raised in this way will get the standard content negotiation applied to the response and will be rendered with an appropriate renderer.

By default all error responses will include a key detail in the body of the response.

For example, the following request:

POST http://api.example.com/foo/bar HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 63

{'malformed json': 'keys and values should use double quotes'}

Might receive an error response indicating that the JSON content of the request is malformed:

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 33

{"detail": "Malformed request."}


Signature: APIException()

The base class for all exceptions raised inside Flask API.

To provide a custom exception, subclass APIException and set the .status_code and .detail properties on the class.

For example, if your API relies on a third party service that may sometimes be unreachable, you might want to implement an exception for the "503 Service Unavailable" HTTP response code. You could do this like so:

from flask.ext.api.exceptions import APIException

class ServiceUnavailable(APIException):
    status_code = 503
    detail = 'Service temporarily unavailable, try again later.'


Signature: ParseError(detail=None)

Raised if the request contains malformed data when accessing request.data, request.form or request.files.

By default this exception results in a response with the HTTP status code "400 Bad Request".


Signature: AuthenticationFailed(detail=None)

Should be raised when an incoming request includes incorrect authentication.

By default this exception results in a response with the HTTP status code "401 Unauthenticated".


Signature: NotAuthenticated(detail=None)

Should be raised when an unauthenticated request fails permission checks.

By default this exception results in a response with the HTTP status code "401 Unauthenticated".


Signature: PermissionDenied(detail=None)

Should be raised when an authenticated request fails permission checks.

By default this exception results in a response with the HTTP status code "403 Forbidden".


Signature: NotFound(detail=None)

Should be raised when a request is made to a resource that does not exist.

By default this exception results in a response with the HTTP status code "404 Not Found".


Signature: NotAcceptable(detail=None)

Raised if there are no renderers that can satisfy the client's requested Accept header.

By default this exception results in a response with the HTTP status code "406 Not Acceptable".


Signature: UnsupportedMediaType(detail=None)

Raised if there are no parsers that can handle the content type of the request data when accessing request.data, request.form or request.files.

By default this exception results in a response with the HTTP status code "415 Unsupported Media Type".


Signature: Throttled(detail=None)

Should be raised when an incoming request fails throttling checks.

By default this exception results in a response with the HTTP status code "429 Too Many Requests".